Adriano Chiaretta

Couple of handy scripts to take away the pain of downloading App Store sales stats

If you are an iPhone developer you probably know all about the fun of having to download pretty much every day the previous’ day sales report from iTunesConnect, since after a week it’s gone.

itunesconnectshotStarted to look around for an automated tool and found some great pointer over at — since I wanted to grab the raw data I went for the “Auto download reports script”. The versions available for download over there work great on OSx, I tweaked them a bit to have them working on linux flavors using the gnu implementation of the “date” command (i.e. most non-OSx distributions).

If you wish to set them up on a fedora/ubuntu/redhat/etc. box and having run daily in “set and forget” mode (like I did), you can grab the tweaked-up versions from this link. Full credits go to their original creator (rmaddy)

If you wish to graph the logs and get some quick stat out of them you can then use AppViz (which can also download the latest reports for you), or “Sales Report” or similar others.

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